
Brand Family
Aston Macros
Delta Macros
Donut Macros
Dune Asia
Dune Dual
Dune Gava
Eden Macros
Fenix Macros
Flame Macros
Fuze Macros
Gus Macros
Huge Macros
Jaguar Macros
Luna Macros
Moon Macros
Nemo Macros
Odon Macros
Orbital Macros
Oxia Macros
Predator Macros
Ray Macros
Shark Macros
Sky Macros
Tiger Macros
Philippe Ceulemans founded Agripp in 1992. Philippe and the Agripp team began shaping their first climbing holds in his grandfather's Brussels workshop, and the Agripp team has been deeply rooted in rock climbing, creating the first bouldering competitions at the end of the 90s in their Roc'House climbing gym.
Agripp offers a complete range of dual textures for hobbyist climbers and competitive routes, which help route setters create technical routes with more precise technical movements. These dual textures offer endless possibilities. But, seriously, we're still trying to find what Agripp holds can't do.